It is said that flowers have a language all of their own. Consider what message you would love to send to your groom using the flowers you choose for your bouquet.
Apple Blossom Perfection
Azalea True to the end
Bluebell Lasting Love
Camelia Perfect Loveliness
Red Carnation Admiration
White Carnation Sweet and Lovely
Daffodil Joy
Daisy Innocent
Forget-me-not True love
Freesia Sweetness
Gardenia Purity and Joy
Gerbera Cheerfulness
Honeysuckle Bonds of Love
Iris Hope and wisdom
Jasmine Sensuality
Lemon Blossom Fidelity
Lily of the Valley Happiness
Mimosa Sensitivity
Orchid Beauty
Pink Rose Happiness
Red Rose I love you
White Rose Purity
Stephanotis Marital Happiness
Sunflower Adoration
Red Tulip Love
Yellow Tulip Sunshine of my life
Violet Faithfulness
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